Our Precious Team

Meet Our Team

Legal Representative

She is a professional educator. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences (Sociology) and a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education.

She is a professional educator. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences (Sociology) and a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. She has an extensive experience in education of children and adults using Active and Participatory Pedagogy. She has professional certificates in counseling, communication, participative management, and Preschool education Program. She an active in community transformation and she is a trainer of trainers in education at all levels. As dedicated to the community education, she is using her personal stories in writing and also training to equip a good family counselor with peaceful and leadership skills to accompany vulnerable people for change.

Deputy Representative

Medical Doctor, he is trained in counseling with a special focus to medical counseling.

Medical Doctor, he is trained in counseling with a special focus to medical counseling. Strong in volunteering, he is committed to community development and to fight against any domestic violence. In the field of medical treatment and counseling, he is well equipped to assist clients, victims of psychological and physical violence for complete healing. Based on his expertise and experience in medical health and counseling, he is devoted to deal and treat problems related to domestic and sexual violence.

Executive Secretary

Sociologist, she has an extensive experience in community transformation using participative approach

Sociologist, she has an extensive experience in community transformation using participative approach. As a family Counselor and Peace Builder, she is involved in community therapy to fight against domestic violence, sexual abuse, and violation of children, girls and women’s rights. As a member of national, regional and International committees, she is a consultant and researcher. Innovative and creative, she has entrepreneurship skills. Her passion is an unfolding the capacity of vulnerable children, girls and women’s from very poor families for self-determination and changing behavior. She has a deep experience in formal and informal education at primary, professional schools and Universities, education is her career. She has an interesting record in volunteering and publication targeting the community development. She is an inspiring Senior Lecturer in the community.


She is trained as an Accountant. In addition to that, she has a Certificate of counseling from International Center for women’s Ministries, which equips local volunteers to help people and community in counseling.

She is trained as an Accountant. In addition to that, she has a Certificate of counseling from International Center for women’s Ministries, which equips local volunteers to help people and community in counseling. As a volunteer, she has been involved in children ministry in the Anglican Church of Rwanda and she has an experience in children and women’s therapy.

Chair of Audit Committee

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (FINANCE) and in Theology.

He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (FINANCE) and in Theology. He has a professional certificate in Operation planning, administration and financial management, project management, market survey, accounting and reporting and he has an experience of working with non-government institutions. He is well organized, a good team leader with strong communication and leadership skills to always meeting deadlines. Learning by doing, he has been always the best way to accomplish his ambitions and future plans. He has an interesting experience in volunteering, doing counseling, moving step by step with traumatized people to complete healing; he is willing to learn more from others and he has always something to offer to the community.

Chair of Conflict Resolution committee

He has a Bachelor’s degree in Systematic Theology and a Diploma in Christian Counseling.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in Systematic Theology and a Diploma in Christian Counseling. As someone who is trained in Community Development, pastoral care, family enhancement, peace building and conflict transformation, he has an extensive experience in community transformation by using counseling and therapy for the inner healing and reconciliation. As an initiator of valuable and successful programs of social and economic community development, he has been responsible of various organization at national and regional level. As a living testimony in healing, unity and reconciliation, he is a community therapy practitioner in Rwanda and in the neighboring countries by dealing with consequences of genocide at first and with all kind of violence that lessen the family well-being. He has been volunteering throughout his working life style to reaching his dream of building peace in the family.

Board Member

She is trained as a professional educator. She has an experience in teaching Nursery, Primary, and Professional/vocational Schools.

She is trained as a professional educator. She has an experience in teaching Nursery, Primary, and Professional/vocational Schools. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in clinical Psychology. She is a Community Health workers’ leader at the community level and a counselor. Her interest is to assist women, victims of domestic and sexual violence makes her commitment to community volunteering meaningful.


He is a Professional educator. He served as a teacher, later on he carried out his studies and got a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and Divinity, thereafter, a Master in Public Administration and Management.

He is a Professional educator. He served as a teacher, later on he carried out his studies and got a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and Divinity, thereafter, a Master in Public Administration and Management. He has a strong experience of working in the field of community development with government and non-government organizations. He served also in learning institutions at various levels. Based on his skills in counseling and healing ministry, he has been volunteering in the community healing and transformation program. He has a strong experience in administration and management that ensures the opportunity to Amahoro Builders to grow well organized.

Board Member

 He holds a bachelor degrees in Architecture with a variety of professional certificates in Architectural Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Advanced Contract Management, entrepreneurship and energy efficient in building in East Africa.

He holds a bachelor degrees in Architecture with a variety of professional certificates in Architectural Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Advanced Contract Management, entrepreneurship and energy efficient in building in East Africa, Introductory course leading to associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), membership courses leading to Member of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIrb), and Adjudication Training Program. He has broad experience in management of construction projects, particularly in construction of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Schools and an interesting record in volunteering in church and community development programs.


He is a professional educator; served as a Research Associate in the Center for Teaching and Learning, after he carried out of his studies, he will be involved in research projects in our community.

He is a professional educator; served as a Research Associate in the Center for Teaching and Learning, after he carried out of his studies, he will be involved in research projects in our community. He holds a Master of Arts in Religion and he is finalizing his PhD in Philosophy and Theology, Modern History. He is currently involved in Research on Missionary work in Africa and other developing countries, and effects of political, sociological, economic, and religious challenges among African communities in the 21st century. His main concern is giving primary treatment in emergency cases and in treating people equally with dignity (Mandt system), helping the community, and offering counseling to vulnerable and wounded people for restoration. As an oriented based-community person, he is committed to volunteering to improve people’s life socially and economically. He served in various senior positions as a successful manager.

Board Member

He has a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in theological studies, and a PhD in Doctoral studies in the New Testament

He has a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in theological studies, and a PhD in Doctoral studies in the New Testament. He has an experience in an adult teaching. He has a deep experience in management and volunteering service. His professional and academic teachings are translated in the community benefits; he is attached to local people so that together they can use what they have for their social and economic development. He serves as a Pastor in small congregation where he is nurturing people toward the holistic transformation; his peaceful and leadership skills is a great value to the community and particularly to the vulnerable people.

Board member

As a social worker and counselor, she holds a Bachelor degree in Social work and administration. Mme Marie Claire has a high school certificate in accounting and management.

As a social worker and counselor, she holds a Bachelor degree in Social work and administration. Mme Marie Claire has a high school certificate in accounting and management. Based on her long-past experience in counseling, this opened her practical knowledge to fight against domestic violence, sexual abuse and all kinds of discrimination. Employed in various non-governmental organizations, she is committed to avail her knowledge to community transformation. She has a volunteering records in women empowerment and counseling. She coordinated Mothers’ Union activities in the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Kibungo Diocese, and the Center for women’s Ministries in Rwanda. She is currently an active volunteer in Fulton Center for Women’s Ministries.

Board Member

She is trained as an educator. She also holds a Bachelor degree of Arts in Ministry. She has an experience in teaching primary and secondary schools.

She is trained as an educator. She also holds a Bachelor degree of Arts in Ministry. She has an experience in teaching primary and secondary schools. In addition to her career of education, Rev. Marie Josée was trained to produce materials for Sunday school. She has a professional certificate in leadership. She a good organizer, coordinator of Seminars, and she has a deep experience in children evangelism, discipleship and therapy; she has an insightful experience in volunteering work. she has increased her experience by attending various international, regional and national conferences. Working with children is her passion.

Board Member

Doctor in Biblical studies, he is an ordained Pastor in the Anglican Church of Rwanda since 1997. He holds a PhD in Biblical Studies (Old Testament).

Doctor in Biblical studies, he is an ordained Pastor in the Anglican Church of Rwanda since 1997. He holds a PhD in Biblical Studies (Old Testament). From 2007 to 2019, he has been lecturing in various universities at national and regional level. He was involved in senior management as Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academics of Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences for 10 years, President of Huye District Council and now he is the Principal of East African Christian College. He has an interesting record in volunteering among the local communities for social and economic transformation and he has been involved in various initiative for community transformation.

Staff Member

Alice is born and raised in Rwanda, she is in charge of network and stands for the interest of Rising Above the Storms, one of the Partners of Amahoro Builders. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a Master’s degree in Social Work from Annamalai University, India. Mainly her area of field work includes aged person, family planning, vulnerable person including children, youth and women, she is passionate to assist others, she enjoys responsibilities.

Staff Member

Yvette is a professional counselor and office administrator. She completed her bachelor’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Education of Kibungo (INATEK) located in Eastern Province of Rwanda. Calm and positive, her impact in the community and society is considerable. She loves children and likes to see them make great choices and decisions for their future. She first served as a volunteer at Amahoro Builders for many years before she joined the organization as a full-time employee in 2017.

Staff Member

Claudine has a bachelor’s degree in Clinical Psychology from INATEK located in Eastern Province of Rwanda obtained in 2012. She is skilled, competent and passionate to help vulnerable people. Since 2013, she has been a volunteer at Amahoro Builders and has contributed to its growth. Her research was based in reintegration of people addicted to substance abuse which elucidate her analysis of social problem in the local community. Professional and calm, she is potentiality involved in social and emotional transformation of vulnerable children and their families. Trained in peer group counseling and introduction to computer, she is responsible and has an interesting experience in administration.

Staff Member

Prosper has a Bachelor degree in Accounting obtained in 2019 from University of Kigali. He is skilled and passionate to help vulnerable people. Since 2019, he has been a volunteer at Amahoro Builders. Trained in counseling and peace building, he is ambitious to assist children and youth in peer group counseling through game therapy to detect and develop their talents. He is responsible and has an interesting experience in coaching soccer teams and is result oriented person.